Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

A location ID is a letter following a company’s ID number which enables the different locations of a business operating under the same ID to be differentiated from one another in the Transport Register.

Notify the location at an inspection station that offers registration services when a vehicle is being registered and the information about the new location will be entered in the Transport Register.

You can notify the change of address or the change of name of a business location in Traficom’s My e-Services.

How to notify a change of address or a change of name

You can notify the termination of a business location in writing to the customer service for vehicle registration.   

Vehicles owned or held by a business location must be registered under the ownership of an operating business location or the company’s head office before closing down the business location. 

Contact details of customer service for vehicle registration  (External link)

How to change your vehicle’s owner or holder data (External link)

What is the benefit to the company from having a location ID?

Having a location ID allows vehicles in a company’s control to be registered in the name of a specific office. A company may also require location specific vehicle data for invoicing or reporting for example.

A company can notify Traficom of a separate billing address for invoicing vehicle tax. If a company has a lot of vehicles, it may enter into an agreement for all vehicles to be invoiced monthly with a collective invoice. The notification regarding the invoicing address or invoicing agreement must be made separately for each business location.

How to notify an e-invoicing address for chargeable services used in My e-Services

How to apply for a vehicle tax invoicing agreement